Seniors Behind the Wheel – When Safety Impacts Independence

Is my senior loved one safe behind the wheel? This is a question many caregivers are asking themselves right now, as will many more in the future. Our senior loved ones understandably want to maintain their independence to come and go wherever and whenever they please without depending on some other means of transportation or being … Read more

Weathering the Storm When the Power Goes Out – Helping Seniors Prepare

Brrrrrrrr pretty much summarizes things for many Americans. This winter’s weather has proven to be difficult for many across the country, adults and seniors alike. The storms, including the recent polar vortex, have dumped snow, rain, ice and freezing temperatures onto us and our seniors making their life hard and putting many at real risk … Read more

After Seniors Fall: Getting Up Correctly – A Family Caregiver Video Tip

Falling can result in disabling injuries for seniors, causing loss of independence for far too many and hurting the quality of their lives. Yeah, but not many seniors really fall, right? Unfortunately, one in three senior adults fall each year. Even worse, those who have already fallen once are even more likely to fall again … Read more