Our 50th Senior Care Corner Show! Questions from Family Caregivers

50 episodes of the Senior Care Corner Show . . . and counting! We are pleased to reach this milestone, reflecting almost two years of our biweekly show, and proud that our listenership continues to grow and benefit from our work.

We wanted to do something special for our feature segment of this episode, something we haven’t done before. Arrival of a listener question gave us the idea to use the segment to answer some of the questions we’ve gotten from our listeners and readers. We respond to them as they arrive but realize other family caregivers might have the same questions and would benefit from our answers.

We didn’t get a chance to answer all the questions we assembled but got to a number of them and hope you find our responses helpful.

Questions We Answer in This Episode

  • Senior Care Corner looks like a lot of work.  Why do you do it?
  • In your posts and video you define “family caregiver” pretty broadly so that most anything we do for seniors makes us one.  Why do you do that?
  • You talk a lot about the use of social media sites like Facebook being important to older adults.  Why is that?  My parents, and even I to some extent, see these sites as being a distraction or something more for younger people and don’t understand what seniors will get from them.
  • I would like to see you cover X topic in one of your posts.  What should I do?
  • What computer or other device should I get for my senior loved one?
  • You talk a lot about CES, the big international consumer electronics show, and how important it is for family caregivers.  Why is that?
  • Are you going to add a discussion area to Senior Care Corner?  It would be nice to have a place we could chat with others going through the same thing.

News Items in This Episode

  1. A Little of This, A Little of That for Older Exercisers
  2. High Blood Pressure May Add to Alzheimer’s Risk
  3. Bathroom Visits May Add to Sleep Problems for Seniors
  4. Cheap, Old Heart Drug May Help Elderly Heart Failure Patients

Links Mentioned by Us

We hope you enjoy this episode and come back for even more. We’re already looking forward to our 100th and are sure to have something special for that one!

There will be another episode soon answering more of the questions we’ve received and we would love to include yours. Please send it along using any of the methods above. You’ll get a personal response from us and might be helping others when we share it on the show.

Podcast Transcript – so you can follow along or read at your convenience

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