7 Healthy Aging Month Tips for Seniors & Caregivers – Family Caregiver Tip

Each year for over twenty years, we have celebrated Healthy Aging Month.

It is a great time to share the latest insights from the experts about how to live a healthy life as we age.

Healthy aging encompasses many aspects of our lives, whether we are family caregivers or senior adults.

The puzzle of healthy aging is composed of pieces such as healthy eating, physical activity, preventive health care, attitude, behaviors, socialization, engagement, positive lifestyle decisions such as smoking cessation and wearing seat belts, lifelong learning, financial well-being, and more.

Healthy Aging Magazine, which initiated September as the month to focus our attention on how we can make lifestyle improvements, learn more, and age successfully, says seniors and caregivers over age 55 can reinvent themselves with tips learned this month.

Tips for Healthy Aging

Pick a few or work on many of these tips to improve your own and your senior loved one’s lifestyle so that you can begin reinventing yourselves towards better well-being.

Here are 7 tips for healthy aging from Healthy Aging magazine:

  1. Do not act your age! Remember your favorite age – feel it and act it.
  2. Be positive in your conversations and actions. Catch yourself being negative and turn it into a positive.
  3. Ditch the downer friends. Distance yourself from people who don’t have a positive attitude.
  4. Walk like a vibrant, healthy person. Stand straight! Walk with long strides, head held high and step like you mean it.
  5. Lonely? Do something about it.
  6. How’s your smile? Use it often? Be sure your teeth are healthy by going to the dentist regularly.
  7. Get a physical. Physical activity and movement help you stay healthy. So does preventive healthcare. If you haven’t scheduled your health screenings and immunizations, this month is a great time to get that done.

Additional Resources

These are just a few ways you and your senior loved one can begin your health journey.

To learn more tips for healthy aging, check out some of these articles.