Seniors Tracking Their Health – There’s an App for That

Medical tracking using the latest technology is growing stronger every day. We believe that your senior loved ones, while beginning to adopt technology, probably haven’t yet gotten familiar with some great technology apps that can help them track and improve their health and wellness.

Many of our seniors are using smartphones in a variety of platforms whether Android, iOS  or Windows 8. The platform they choose is not as important as making the most of the apps that are currently available, though the choice of platform will dictate the apps from which they can choose.

Research indicates that, even with the abundance of available health monitoring apps at our fingertips, our seniors (and even we ourselves) are still primarily using their heads or paper to track and trend their health data.

It has been estimated that about seven out of ten adults are tracking their health information such as weight, diet, symptoms, physical activity, or vital statistics including blood pressure, blood sugar and oxygenation for themselves or their senior loved ones. Instead of using technology, they are using only their heads.

Smartphones, tablets and computers provide what is thought by many to be an easy way to track and analyze this information but we are apparently not taking advantage, according to a recent Pew Research study.

Most believe that when health information is tracked great improvements can be made in health outcomes. We can make progress in changing our habits and lifestyle for prevention and early treatment of chronic medical conditions, including obesity, diabetes, heart failure and other major medical concerns. Researchers point out that we are all carrying around this technology, often in our pockets, but not using it to our greatest benefit.

Health Data You Can Track

  • Weight
  • Diet and food intake
  • Activity programs and time spent exercising
  • Blood pressure
  • Symptoms such as headaches
  • Sleep patterns

Health Tracking Statistics

  • 49% say they keep health information in their heads
  • 34% say they record it on paper
  • 21% say they use some form of technology
  • 34% share their collected health data with anyone including healthcare providers

There seems to be a proliferation of wearable devices that will track all of our health data, mobile apps that can track and analyze all our data and help us decide on what foods to eat. Researchers feel that this wave of technology will be used more and more once it doesn’t require so much input on our part. Doctors will begin asking for electronic data collection so that it can be stored and shared among all healthcare providers more easily versus paper notes that can be lost or discarded.

What do you do for yourself and your senior loved ones regarding health data? Are there apps that you use that work well? Do you share them with your doctor? We would love for you to share your techniques.