Old People Candy – 30 Great Candies From Yesteryear

Candy has always been a part of our lives.

From childhood, we’ve all had our favorite treats. Some of us even remember the taste of our first piece of candy from when we were kids.

We’re not just talking about chocolate and lollipops here: there are so many different candies out there, and new ones are being created every day.

While you may constantly see new flavors on store shelves, some old favorites have made their way back into the spotlight. Some never left, while others have been reinvented to be healthier or more sophisticated.

Sadly, some candies that once tasted great can no longer be found in stores today.

However, there are still plenty of options for those looking for nostalgic sweets. In this article, we’ll take a look at 30 retro candies that will bring back memories of your youth!

So, let’s get started.

6 Thrilling Candies From The 1930s

6 Thrilling Candies From The 1930s

The 1930s was a time of change.

The world had only just begun to recover from the first world war, only to face the second at the end of this decade. The Great Depression was also beginning to take its toll.

But, it didn’t stop people from having fun!

The 1930s was also a decade where people began to spend less money on food, and more on entertainment. This meant that candies became a popular treat for children. They could be bought cheaply, and they were easy to eat.

Here are 6 thrilling candies from the 1930s that you should try if you want to relive the past.

1. Chick-O-Stick Candy Bars

First appearing on store shelves back in 1938, these sweet treats became popular amongst kids everywhere. Made by the Atkinson Candy Company, Chick-o-Sticks were a combination of peanut butter, honey, and flakes of coconut.

These candies were originally named ‘Chicken Bones’, and were later renamed ‘Chick-o-Sticks’ after the company changed hands.

They were sold individually wrapped in wax paper, and were often given as gifts. However, the original recipe was later changed to include corn syrup instead of honey.

2. 5th Avenue Candy Bars

Introduced in 1936 by the Hershey Company, 5th Avenue Candy Bars were one of the most popular candy bars of the 1930s.

These chocolate bars filled with peanut butter were named after the well-known street in New York City. These candies were made up of milk chocolate, peanuts, and caramel.

5th Avenue bars are not advertised anymore and have not been publicly advertised since the early 1990s. However, you can still find them in small retail stores to this day. Keep an eye out!

3. Tootsie Pops

Next up, we have the world’s first-ever lollipop! Introduced in 1931, the Tootsie Roll was invented by a worker at The Sweets Company of America. The company later changed its name to Tootsie Roll Industries.

The idea for this candy came when an employee of The Sweets Company of America ate a Tootsie Roll while sharing a lollipop that his daughter was eating. By combining the two candies, he thought that something special would result.

And indeed, it did! The Tootsie Pop is still available all over the world to this day and has become a classic childhood favorite over the past century.

4. PayDay Candy Bars

These candy bars were first introduced in 1932, and marketed as a meal replacement during the peak years of the Great Depression.

Made by the Hollywood Candy Company, PayDay candy bars were a combination of caramel on the inside and peanuts on the outside. Fun fact: the reason the bars were given this name was that they were invented on the payday of the Hollywood Candy Company!

Due to its peanut-covered outer layer, the bar was marketed as a nutritious meal replacement for those who were struggling financially. Since then, the candy bar has evolved into many different shapes and sizes. You can even get chocolate-coated PayDay bars now!

5. Heath Candy Bars

As we mentioned previously, a lot of families struggled financially during The Great Depression. During this time, food companies began making candy more affordable for everyone, marketing them as being suitable as meal replacements.

The Heath candy bar was, specifically, a favorite amongst soldiers, as they were supplied in high demand by the US Army during the 1930s. They were first manufactured in 1928, but they gained popularity in the 1930s due to their affordability, and size.

Heath bars are still available today, and they are now being produced by The Hershey Company.

6. Snickers Candy Bars

Snickers candy bars are one of the most popular brands of candy bars worldwide. It may be surprising to some that these sweets have been around for almost an entire century!

They were first introduced in 1930, by Mars Incorporated. The bar was named after one of the Mars’ family’s favorite racing horses, who was named Snickers.

The popular candy bars, like many of the others on this list, contain chocolate, peanuts, caramel, and nougat. They have changed a little over the decades, but overall, the basic recipe hasn’t altered much. They are quite a bit smaller than they used to be, however.

6 Fantastic Candies From The 1940s

6 Fantastic Candies From The 1940s

With World War II continuing into the new decade, and rationing still in place, times were tough for people across the globe.

Even when the war ended midway through the forties, life remained difficult for many.

Thankfully, some positives came out of this decade. The 1940s saw the rise of motion picture productions, rock ‘n roll music, and several new brands of delicious candy! The world was changing, and so was the way that we ate.

Here are 6 fantastic candies from the 1940s that’ll make you feel nostalgic for, somewhat, simpler days.

7. Mike And Ike

Mike and Ike’s were first introduced to the world in 1940, created by Just Born. Inc. The company wanted to create a candy that would appeal to both boys and girls, and they succeeded.

The candy consists of small, fruit-flavored chewy sweets that come in many different colors. The original packaging was green and consisted of different colored sweets, but you can now purchase different flavors of Mike and Ike’s, including strawberry, sour fruits, and lemonade.

It is still uncertain where the name came from, but it is thought to be based on the comic strip, Mike and Ike (They Look Alike), which ran from 1907 to 1929.

8. York Peppermint Patties

York peppermint patties were first introduced in 1940, by the York Cone Company Corporation. Nowadays, they are manufactured by the Hershey Company.

These peppermint patties were the first mint chocolate confectionery that was ‘firm and crisp’ compared to its competition, which was described as ‘softer and gooier’. This led to them becoming very successful.

Peanuts comics later took the name as inspiration, naming one of their characters after the candy: Peppermint Patty. 

9. Jolly Ranchers

Jolly Ranchers were invented in 1949, by Highlander Partners Ltd. Today, they are still being manufactured, but they are now owned by The Hershey Company.

Since the candy’s release in the late 1940s, they have become a classic treat for kids and adults alike. The original sweets are hard-boiled, fruit-flavored candies that included flavors of apple, blue raspberry, and watermelon.

Nowadays, you can not only find the original candy on store shelves, but you can also purchase Jolly Rancher lollipops, jelly beans, and even cans of soda!

10. Almond Joy Candy Bars

First introduced in 1946, these tasty treats are fairly similar to what they were when they were first released.

They were created by the Peter Paul Candy Manufacturing Company, but today, they are being produced by The Hershey Company. 

The candy consists of shredded coconut and almonds covered in a chocolate coating. They are very similar to Mound bars, which are also produced by the Hershey company, except Mound bars do not include almonds in their recipe. 

11. Bazooka Bubble Gum

In 1947, shortly after the close of the second world war, The Topps Company Inc. introduced Bazooka bubble gum to the world.

Kids during this time loved buying the small packets of gum – which cost only 1 penny at the time – to collect the tiny comics that came along with the candy. The comics starred the character, Bazooka Joe.

This bubble gum became a favorite across the globe, being available in several different flavors and colors, including strawberry, grape, and watermelon. You can still purchase Bazooka bubble gum to this day, although, sadly, they do not include the comics anymore.

12. Smarties

To wrap up this colorful decade, we have an equally colorful form of candy that is still loved to this day: Smarties.

Not to be mistaken for the British chocolate buttons, these pastel-colored fruity tablets were sold in packets of 15. In Canada, these candies are marketed as Rockets. 

There are six colors and flavors to be found in each pack: white, pink, orange, yellow, green, and purple. Other variations can be found, including sour versions.

6 Flavorful Candies From The 1950s

6 Flavorful Candies From The 1950s

The 1950s saw the beginning of a brand new, revolutionary era. 

After a couple of decades of hopelessness and worry, families around the world were finally beginning to afford to live again. Televisions were being bought and owned by the masses, and pop culture was becoming more popular than ever before.

With all of this newfound wealth, people began to spend money on things they never had access to before. One luxury from the past remained, however: this luxury was candy. 

Here are 6 flavorful candies that you may remember from the 1950s.

13. Pez

Since their introduction to the United States in 1952, Pez sweets have remained one of the most popular candies in the country.

Pez is a series of brightly colored, minty, or fruity flavored candies that resemble a small pill. The best part? They come alongside a colorful candy dispenser, with which you load the candy, and then press down to release it into your mouth.

The dispensers are, perhaps, more recognizable than the actual candies themselves. Each dispenser has its unique design, and some even feature characters like SpongeBob SquarePants or Dora the Explorer.

14. Hot Tamales

Hot Tamales were initially released in 1950, and they instantly became a huge hit. These spicy, chewy little treats are flavored with cinnamon and were marketed as being very hot.

This candy was named after the dish, spicy tamales, because the candy was also fiery hot to taste. It has a required taste that kids and adults either love or hate, but the flavor remains timeless.

Hot Tamales are still being sold across the United States to this day.

15. Pixy Stix

While the concept of powdered candy being eaten from a straw originated in the early 1940s, it wasn’t until 1959 that Pixy Stix was introduced to the public.

The concept of these candies was that they were packaged in a plastic, hollow wrapper, and filled with sweet or sour sherbet that could be poured directly into the consumer’s mouth. Pixy Stix became extremely popular throughout the 1950s and 1960s and remains so today.

There were many flavors available during their release, and several of these flavors are still accessible to this day. Some of these flavors include orange, grape, cherry, and Maui Slap (blue raspberry).

16. Flying Saucers Or Satellite Wafers

When these colorful candies were released during the early fifties, they immediately became an instant success.

Flying Saucer candies were made up of two pieces of wafer connected to create a UFO shape, filled with sour flavored powdered sugar. While the outside didn’t contain much flavor, it was the burst of sweetness inside that made them such a hit.

These candies are still produced today and are very popular among children.

17. Nik-L-Nip

It was during the 1950s that these wax bottles filled with fruit-flavored syrup, created by the Tootsie Roll Company, started popping up everywhere.

Nik-L-Nip was a brand name for a type of fruit-flavored syrup that was packaged inside a wax bottle, of which the bottle cap was twisted off and could be chewed like chewing gum. There were several colors and flavors available, including apple, strawberry, and lemon.

These bottles are still available today, although not nearly as common as they once were. They are still just as fun to chew on though!

18. M&Ms

Although these colorful candies were first manufactured in the 1940s, it was during the year 1950 that the trademark ‘M’ was branded onto the chocolate buttons, turning them into the worldwide famous M&Ms that we are familiar with today!

M&Ms are small button-shaped pieces of chocolate, covered in a colorful candy coating. The coating was added to ensure that the chocolate would not melt until it was inside your mouth.

There are so many colors and flavors available today that you can find almost any color or flavor that you want at your local grocery store.

6 Sensational Candies From The 1960s

6 Sensational Candies From The 1960s

The 1960s were a decade of change, both socially and politically.

Many people began to question what was going on around them, and how things were changing. As a result, there were some great changes in the way that Americans lived, ate, dressed, and even thought.

It was the turn of an age, where people questioned authority and the status quo, and wanted more freedom. This resulted in the 60s seeing some amazing innovations in food and drink.

Here are 6 sensational candies from the 1960s that live on into the current generation.

19. Pop-Tarts

In 1964, Kellogg’s introduced the world to the Pop-Tart. It wasn’t long before other companies jumped on board with their versions of this tasty treat.

Pop-Tarts are essentially mini pastries that have been baked in a special machine, topped with a layer of frosting. They are also filled with a thin layer of jam. The original flavors included strawberry and cinnamon, but over the years, there have been hundreds of different varieties available.

Pop-Tarts are now one of America’s favorite snacks.

20. Opal Fruits (Starbursts)

It was during the year 1960 that The Wrigley Company first came out with these chewy sweets. These delicious treats became extremely popular throughout the United Kingdom and later spread across North America from 1967 onwards.

These chewy, square-shaped taffy candies were originally named Opal Fruits and came in the flavors of lemon, lime, orange, and strawberry. Since then, they have released several other flavors, including banana, kiwi, watermelon, and even blue raspberry.

Starbursts are still very popular today and are often found in supermarkets all around the world.

21. Lemonheads

Lemonheads were first introduced in 1962 by the Ferrara Candy Company. These balls of yellow candy were made with a hard inner center, and covered with a sour, soft shell.

The name, of course, came from the fact that they taste like tiny lemons. Since then, there have been other variations of the candy, including Appleheads and Cherryheads. Who can guess what flavors they held?

Although they were initially only sold in stores, they soon became incredibly popular, and are now widely available online.

22. Sixlets

Originating from Oak Leaf Confections, a company based in Ontario, Canada, these chocolate treats were first produced in the early sixties.

Sixlets bear a slight resemblance to M&Ms, except they have thicker candy coatings, and do not display the iconic ‘M’ on their surface. Additionally, they are ball-shaped, and much more rounder than M&Ms. They also come packaged in a thin, cellophane wrapper. 

The colors that Sixlets originally came in include red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and brown. They are still being sold, and are being consumed, to this day.

23. Astro Pops

In 1963, a pair of rocket scientists quit their jobs and began creating a form of candy that resembled a multistage rocket. This candy was eventually released and sold as the Astro Pop.

During the Space Race era, space-themed items were becoming increasingly popular, including toys and food items. Astro Pops became hugely successful and were quickly adopted into many countries around the globe.

The Astro Pop was originally a cone-shaped lollipop colored yellow, green, and red. Nowadays, these candies can still be found, although they are no longer made by the same company.

24. Fruit Stripe Gum

Initially marketed as the Five Flavor Gum, these colorful candies were first invented and sold in 1969.

They were created by the Beech-Nut Company, which wanted to create a gum that tasted better than its competitors. The appeal also came from the fact that the wrappers, which had a colorful zebra-style print, could be used as temporary tattoos.

The original flavors of Fruit Stripe Gum were orange, cherry, melon, peach, and lemon. Today, these flavors can still be purchased, along with several other flavors that have been released since.

6 Sugary Candies From The 1970s

6 Sugary Candies From The 1970s

Lastly, we arrive at the 1970s: the era of disco dancing, bell bottoms, and big hair.

Despite the uncertainty of the revolutionary movements and the ongoing Cold War, the seventies were a time of great optimism for most people.

And while some may look back at it as an era of excess and debauchery, many of us will remember fondly how the decade brought them so much joy.

Here, we have 6 sugary candies that you may have indulged in during the 1970s.

25. Marathon Candy Bars

Not to be confused with the UK’s version of the Snickers bar – which they named the Marathon bar – this is a similar candy bar to the UK’s Curly Wurly, which was also released in the seventies.

The US Marathon candy bar was introduced by Mars, Inc. in 1973. The bar incorporated three long strings of caramel, covered in a milk chocolate coating. They were very popular in the 1970s as they were slightly larger than your average chocolate bar, but cost less.

Unfortunately, Marathon candy bars were discontinued in 1981 due to poor sales. The Curly Wurly, however, is still being sold in the UK and can be purchased online.

26. Whistle Pops (Melody Pops)

In the 1970s, Whistle Pops were introduced to the market by the Spangler Candy Company. These were lollipops that were shaped like whistles and could be played like a whistle when blown into.

These candies were highly popular with children during this time, as they were considered to be more fun than regular lollipops. They came in flavors such as watermelon, strawberry, green apple, and blue raspberry.

Whistle Pops was discontinued for a few years after their introduction, but returned a little while later to the name Melody Pops, thanks to Chupa Chups. Therefore, these musical candies can still be purchased today!

27. Twix Candy Bars

While Twix bars were initially created and sold in the United Kingdom from the year 1967, they did not arrive in the United States until the late seventies.

These delicious bars are made up of two, individual biscuits topped with a layer of caramel, and covered with milk chocolate. They were extremely successful upon release, becoming one of the best-selling chocolate bars in the world.

In recent years, there have been other flavors available, including salted caramel, cookies & creme, and even an ice cream flavor! These are still being sold to this day.

28. Laffy Taffy

First introduced by the Ferrara Candy Company in the 1970s, Laffy Taffy left an impact on a generation of kids.

These candies were fruit-flavored miniature taffies, which were wrapped in individual colorful wrappers. The original flavors available were grape, orange, lemon, lime, cherry, and banana. In recent years, Laffy Taffy candies are still being produced, although the packaging has changed.

The shape has also been altered, as Laffy Taffies are now a lot longer and flatter compared to their original form.

29. Ring Pops

When an engineer at Topps Company decided he wanted to break his baby daughter’s habit of sucking her thumb in the late seventies, he came up with the idea of the Ring Pop.

This candy comes in the form of a lollipop jewel, held in a plastic ring. It was designed so that it would look like a real ring, which attracted many young children who liked the novelty. It also helped to wean a lot of children from thumb sucking, due to it loosely resembling a pacifier.

Ring Pops are still available to this day, and they are still being manufactured by the Topps Company.

30. Hubba Bubba Bubble Gum

Since its initial release in 1979, Hubba Bubba bubble gum has remained popular throughout the decades. This bubble gum is known for its delicious flavors, and its chunky, chewy texture.

The marketing for Hubba Bubba gum claimed that it was not as sticky as other forms of gum, making it less likely to stick to children’s faces when blowing bubbles. The original flavor was simply bubblegum, but since then, several flavors have been released, including cherry, apple, and so much more.

Hubba Bubba bubble gum is just as popular today as it ever was, and you can find them all over the place. You should try some if you haven’t yet!

Final Thoughts

When it comes to returning to our childhoods, nothing will bring back memories quite like eating nostalgic candies.

Some people may remember playing with their favorite toys or watching TV shows as a child, however, most of us enjoy reliving those moments through food. We love to eat certain foods because they remind us of our past experiences, and these candies do exactly that.

Whether you remember eating some of these candies back in the 1970s, 1950s, or even the 1930s, we hope this article inspired you to go out and buy some of your favorite candies again.

We hope you enjoyed returning to your childhood, and we wish you happy nostalgia-filled eating!