How Seniors Connect on Facebook: The Convergence of Online & Offline Social Networking

Facebook friends are found by searching for those we know, knew in the past or looking at who Facebook recommends, right?  That may be how many people make connections on social media sites, but from our experience with seniors, particularly those in the oldest age groups, they often go about it differently. Many seniors take an … Read more

The BEST Device for Seniors to Access the Web & Social Media is…

There are many benefits for seniors in accessing social media and the web, but which device is the best one for that purpose out of the many options that are available (a number that is growing all the time)?  That question is one we hear frequently from both elder readers and their family members.  We … Read more

5 Benefits of Social Media for Seniors – Let’s Help Them Get Online!

Too old for social media? Don’t let anyone tell you – or your senior loved one – that, because it’s not possible! Growing numbers of older adults are proving that every day. Survey after survey reflects more senior Americans, including those in the most elderly groups, participating in social media. That being said, their numbers still … Read more

Seniors Going Gluten Free

Caregivers of seniors are often responsible for providing their loved one with foods that are nourishing, healthy and satisfying.  Sometimes that means keeping them away from foods that are not healthy for them. Recently there have been an increased number of Americans who have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease, numbering approximately 2 million affected people … Read more

Seniors Connecting on Social Media-Tips to Stay Safe

The social media network phenomenon has overtaken America and chances are good it has included your senior.  Grandma is posting family photos, grandpa is looking up old war buddies and millions of our seniors are enjoying this new way to interact with everyone. Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project found that social networking has … Read more

Technology Review: Sonamba Wellbeing Monitor for Seniors

We recently had an opportunity to see a demonstration of the Sonamba Wellbeing Monitor , which is designed for use by seniors living independently and their families/caregivers. While we are holding out hope for whole-house technology solutions for the well-being of seniors choosing to age in place and their family members / caregivers, the Sonamba … Read more